Saving the world, together, one day at a time.
Some Fact & Figures
A single individual changing to a plant-based diet reduces global CO2 emissions by 9lbs per day, or 1.5 tonnes per annum.
A single individual eating a plant-based diet, just one day per week, would reduce global CO2 emissions by 471 lbs per annum.
Now apply the numbers to a workplace.
Polling consistently demonstrates that 80% of people are prepared to eat plant based at least once per week to help save the planet. So assuming 80% uptake:
If your workplace has 100 employees, their participation eating plant based once per week has the potential to influence reduction of global CO2 emissions by 37,680 lbs (17 tonnes) per annum.
If your workplace has 1,000 employees, their participation eating plant based once per week has the potential to influence reduction of global CO2 emissions by 376,800 lbs (170 tonnes) per annum.
If your workplace has 10,000 employees, their participation eating plant based once per week has the potential to influence reduction of global CO2 emissions by 3,768,000 lbs (1,708 tonnes) per annum.
If your workplace has 50,000 employees, their participation eating plant based once per week has the potential to influence reduction of global CO2 emissions by 18,840,000 lbs (8,544 tonnes) per annum.
If your workplace has 200,000 employees, their participation eating plant based once per week has the potential to influence reduction of global CO2 emissions by 75,360,000 lbs (34,176 tonnes) per annum.
Of course, not every business has a huge number of employees. But supposing a number of employers in a business sector, who already have strong interest in sustainability initiatives, joined together to try to make a difference. For instance:
Between them, HSBC, Citi, BNP Paribas and Bank of America (all of whom are part of the Sustainable Markets Initiative) have 840,165 employees. Using the same calculations, their participation eating plant based once per week has the potential to influence reduction of global CO2 emissions by 316,574,172 lbs (143,571 tonnes) per annum.
If the founders of the Race To Zero (IKEA, Kingfisher, H&M, Walmart) initiative involved their 2,628,210 employees, their participation eating plant based once per week has the potential to influence reduction of global CO2 emissions by 990,309,528 lbs (449,119 tonnes)
If all 8 employers combined to involve their staff, their participation eating plant based once per week has the potential to influence reduction of global CO2 emissions by 1,306,883,700 lbs (592,691 tonnes)
Let that figure sink in.
Over HALF A MILLION tonnes of GWP gases saved, with the involvement of just 8 employers.
Now let's add another scenario.
Suppose that an employer like Carrefour, with a large customer base, decides to involve not only its 319,000 staff, but they also invite customers from the 104,000,000 households they serve globally, to commit to plant based eating, just once per week.
Assuming they only manage to achieve a 50% uptake on commitment from these households, participation eating plant based once per week has the potential to influence reduction of global CO2 emissions by 24,612,119,200 lbs (11,161,995 tonnes)